Authors: Abdul Rahman Wijaya Putra
, Fathu Rahman
and Ery Iswary, Indonesia
Abstract: Code Switching and Code Mixing are one of the pragmatic studies in the sociolinguistics field.
The rapid language phenomena related to it is in line with the development of information
technology facilitated by the internet. This linguistic event is marked by the symptoms of
multilingualism and multiculturalism. The purpose of this research is formulated as follows; 1)
Explain the causes of Code Switching and Code Mixing in the Indonesian and Japanese
YouTuber Channel video blogs, and 2) Describe the functions of Code Switching and Code
Mixing in the Indonesian and Japanese YouTube Channel video blogs. Both of these goals can
be achieved through an inventory of data related to Code Switching and Code Mixing from
conversations in vlogs. This research used descriptive qualitative meyhod by utilizing Holmes'
theory. From the analysis conducted, the important points from the Code Switching aspect occur
because; 1) the communication style of speakers and recipients of speech, 2) the presence of
people and or third parties, and the need to explain something in a certain context, 3). Then, from
the aspect of Code Mixing in general, it is caused by 1) multilingual speakers and interlocutors,
2) the influence of multicultural life, and 3) accidentally using something from another language.
Based on the discussion, it can be seen that Code Switching and Code Mixing occur because of
one's habits, needs, and speaking style, and fill in the blanks, create familiarity, and to reinforce
something. These conclusions answer the objectives of the research, namely 1) to explain the
causes of Code Switching and Code Mixing, and 2) to describe the functions of Code Switching
and Code Mixing. Of course with the object of the Indonesian and Japanese YouTube Channel
video blogs, and at the same time the main data source. Specifically, this research has shown that
Code Switching and Code Mixing under certain conditions and situations may be a transfer of
language usage not only to the two languages but more than that.
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