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CHARACTER EDUCATION MODEL IN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL-BASED MADRASA (The Implementation Of Salih-akram Character Education At Matholiul Falah Islamic Boarding School Pati – Central Java – Indonesia)

Supa'at and Muhammad Muslim, Indonesia

This study aims to provide a description of character education implemented at Madrasah Mathali'ul Falah (Islamic school) Pati – Central Java. It focuses on how salih-akram character education is applied. A phenomenological-descriptive approach was employed in this qualitative study. The data were gathered by means of observation techniques, interviews, and document studies relevant to the research theme and focus. The findings revealed that MA Mathali'ul Falah is categorized as a Madrasah Mu'adalah or a Salafi madrasa which is academically focused on tafaquh fi al-din with a management model type of Islamic boarding school-based madrasa. The vision of salih-akram is embodied in the Nine Basic Values of Salih-Akram (NSDA) as a character model, which is substantively similar to the universal values regarding good character and citizenship. Successful education and character building of salih-akram at MA Mathali'ul Falah are accomplished as it is applied with a holistically integrated education model in the form of Islamic boarding school-based madrasa. Education does not only refer to formal curriculum (subject-matters), but also to hidden one (habituation and modeling).

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(Sept, 2018) of IJEHSS Invite Research Article/Manuscript .