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Rafael DJ Dayao and Avelina M. Aquino ,Philippines

The curriculum is a breathing and ever-changing document reflecting current trends and needs of high school students, teachers, administrators or even the institutions. All have a tremendous effect on the required subjects and the knowledge that high school students must take and have to be effective on the job and in college. Change in curriculum includes innovation, development, and adoption. It encompasses both planned and unplanned changes and can occur at the level of the classroom, school, or whole education system. Teachers may find that changes accompany one’s teaching from time to time. In fact, curriculum change mainly involves teachers, schools, and the community. It is expected that the associated changes are instrumental in enhancing the professional growth of both the teachers and schools involved. Changes in the curriculum thereby are assumed to be a complicated process that can be influenced by many of factors. Apart from giving an account of the basic concepts of change and curriculum implementation, this study identified various models of change. High school teachers and administrators must be diligent in their pursuit of updating, revising and adding additional curriculum, strategies of curriculum implementation. Using mixed method with the utilization of questionnaires and interview protocol as techniques for data collection, the processing of two (2) sets of data, the researcher verified and strengthened the result of the reinforcement. He, too, used the descriptive method to describe record, analyze and interpret existing conditions to manipulate nonmanipulated variables. Aimed at identifying changes and challenges provided for chances in the implementing of Senior High School (SHS) Program in SUCs in Region III revealed teachers’ coping mechanisms that called for innovativeness, flexibility, resourcefulness and strategic preparation of syllabi, course outlining and grounding of instructional materials for teaching. Administrators hand in hand with mentors made a lot of adjustments with the implementation of the new program.

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(Sept, 2018) of IJEHSS Invite Research Article/Manuscript .