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Marry Ann P. Absin , Iman R. Caorong , Luz Margellie L. Cubero , Sheila Eslit and Grace R. Abad

It is imperative to remember that each individual is a unique learner. Neil Flemming Theory have identified that some learners lean toward specific techniques/strategies for learning, referred as learning styles. This study elaborates the preferred learning styles of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing students and the impact on their academic performance. In the conduct of this study, Neil Flemings VARK model was used to identify different learning styles of the students. Descriptive correlational method was used in the study. The data were collected from 136 student nurses of JRMSU Main Campus. Frequency count and percentage was used to determine the profile of the respondents. Chi square was used to identify the significant association in the preferred learning styles of the students and their academic performance. Findings shows that most of the students are female, 18-19 years of age with a prevalent monthly income rate of P5,000-P10,000. Majority preferred android phone and books as their tools in studying. Most of the students are visual learnersthey preferred the use of pictures, flowcharts, diagrams, patterns in studying and they prefer teachers who make use of charts, graphs, diagrams and powerpoint to explain topic. The aural learners preferred if they were tasked to plan and organize events together their colleagues so that they could talk about it. The reading-writing learners preferred teachers who often give handouts and written activities. While the kinesthetic learners preferred things, they can watch and learn from and things that they can do. Majority of the students have good academic performance. The test of difference shows that there is no significant difference on the preferred learning styles of student nurses when analyzed as to their age, gender, year level and socioeconomic status. As to the test of association, it is revealed that there is no significant association between the preferred learning styles and the academic performance of the students. The data did not provide sufficient evidence to conclude that learning styles relate to academic performance. It is recommended that school educators and community shall encourage students/individuals to manage gender related issues and improve the image of nursing profession to male counterparts. Since most of the students are Visual learners Instructors are encouraged to produce instructional materials with power points, pictures and diagrams. Furthermore, students must continually strive and study hard to improve their academic performance towards excellence

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(Sept, 2018) of IJEHSS Invite Research Article/Manuscript .