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Roslinawati ,Indonesia

Problems related to poverty are one of the most concerning issues which is vulnerable to women. This study aimed to identify and analyze the empowerment program for women farmers as an effort to alleviate poverty in Poso Regency. A qualitative approach was applied in this research. The study population was women farmers in Poso Regency which was determined based on purposive sampling technique. In selecting the sample using this technique, the researcher selected the sample as an informant based on their capabilities and understanding of the problem under study so that the data generated in this study are in accordance with the objectives. Data collection techniques in this study included participatory observation and focus group discussion (FGD). Data analysis was carried out using an interactive approach in which the researcher interacted with the research objectives which became the source of the data. The data collected was then presented and categorized based on the problems before the conclusions were finally drawn. The results of the study found that the empowerment of women farmer groups in Poso Regency was carried out through revolving fund activities in the form of savings and loans and joint business groups. In addition, empowering women farmers in Poso Regency emphasized the division of tasks, even men were assigned to cutting rice. There is a need for a system to regulate working hours considering that in addition to being women farmers, they also have their duties as housewives. The work that is the duty of the woman farmer includes planting and weeding which are carried out on a wholesale system

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(Sept, 2018) of IJEHSS Invite Research Article/Manuscript .