Abstract: This paper brings together a range of literature addressing the importance of teacher assessment
literacy (TAL). A web-based e-portfolio platform was used for PSTs to present their documents,
understanding, and evidence of their teaching philosophy and teaching standards as part of their
university experience. Although, TAL plays a key role on improving teaching effectiveness and
learning outcomes, the literature finds insufficiencies in the area of assessment literacy (AL)
among teachers. To address this issue, the e-portfolios implementation into teacher education
program is recommended in this article. This article shows that E-portfoliosplay a significantly
important role on developing TAL through supporting teacher reflection (Mcguire, 2019),
fostering professional development (Hoekstra& Crocker, 2015), representing teacher identity
(Rowley, Dunbar-Hall, Blom, Bennett, & Hitchcock, 2016), improving teachers’ autonomy
(Tran & Duong, 2018), and the provision of feedback (Pardo, Jovanovic, Dawson, Gaševi?, &
Mirriahi, 2019). We also provide the implication of the study at the end of ... |