Authors: Kalerante Evaggelia ,Macedonia
Abstract: The present paper is an attempt to interpret the legislative regulations for the time period
between 2011 and 2015 regarding Experimenting Schools (ProtypaPeiramatikaSholia) and the
policy of intentions, determined by the economic, political and social conditions. The
“narratives” are activated by them, as internal automatic systems which trigger the functionality
of institutions like education.
The legislative development of the afore-mentioned period is being explored, as it is tied to an
institution, particularly the regulations and prerequisites of students entering these special
schools. More specifically, evaluation on special qualifications and skills is carried out based on
selection criteria. The periods of evaluation conducive to attending these schools are being
simultaneously scrutinized compared to the recently-formed legislation about selecting students
by lot.
Moreover, a framework formed by social meanings and symbolic existence about the concepts
“charismatic person” or “high intelligence person” is being explored. They are meaningful
references valuing “difference” to the creation of special schools. The aim is to correlate the
developing function of these schools for charismatic children based on class and neo-liberal
perceptions which reinforce – in the name of “the right to difference”- the content of standpoints.
This is achieved by utilizing political structures of the nation-state and globalized political
decisions. The underpinned new ideologies, as ipso-iure, through new fetish words –
“modernisation”, “innovation”, “reconstruction” – impose and legalise, as “construction”, the
“educational correctness” of an expanded type of differentiations. Perhaps, the educational
structural differentiations are cancelled by the recent law of 2015. This way, deliberation is
brought back as there is necessity to reform public education through expanded opportunity
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