Authors: Dr. Karima Maazouzi ,Algeria |
Abstract: During the civil war, Sierra Leone was characterized by social disintegration, an autocratic rule
and economic malaise. However, after years of mayhem, a discouraging series of failed peace
deals and broken ceasefires as well as several military coups and assorted international
interventions, order and peace had returned to the country. But despite the fact that Sierra Leone
war was officially over since 2002, partly due to tensions and conflicts in neighbouring states,
the situation had remained fragile and life was a struggle for the majority of Sierra Leoneans.
The massive violence to which they had been exposed had inevitably left many of them
psychologically and physically scared. The war had been the cause of mass displacement of
population, creating refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, and had also bad consequences
on those who had been amputated.
This article will attempt to assess the impact of the war on Sierra Leoneans, especially children,
women, refugees and displaced persons; the status of the disabled in general will also be
described. The article will also consider the impact of the rebel war on the economic and
political field. |
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